Ayurveda for Migraine
It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, numbness, tingling, sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last from 4-72 hours and the pain can be severe.
Migraine Symptoms
Migraine symptoms which begin one or two days before the headache itself is known as Prodrome stage.
Wheals – Occur in batches on face, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet and toes.
Welts – Generally disappears within 24 hours, but sometimes another weal appears as the last one fades.
In some cases, hives can last for several days. People with chronic hives can have warning signs for months or years.
Migraine with Aura
Speaking difficulty
Tingling sensation in face, arms or legs.
Observing light flashes or bright spots.
Temporary loss of vision.
Hearing noises or music
Uncontrollable jerking